by nicolafenton | Jan 6, 2014 | Photos
Sadhu in Rajasthan1 . This photo was taken on my birthday, 16 January 2011. At the time I was living in Delhi and for a birthday treat was taken to an old fort in Rajasthan. We were wandering around the local village where for a few rupees we were offered a ride on an...
by nicolafenton | Jan 5, 2014 | Photos
by nicolafenton | Jan 4, 2014 | Eateries, Observations
Today I visited Roti Chai, a not so small cafe / restaurant not far from Selfridges behind Oxford st. Roti Chai, sells a cross section of Indian street style food, small tasty morsels of popular fast food from across India and as the name suggests Chai, or sweet...
by nicolafenton | Jan 4, 2014 | Observations
2014 – another first of the first. This time in London UK. Woke up late to cold and the type of miserable rain that makes one want to close the curtains and snuggle further under the duvet. I have experienced the first of January in many countries – New...